Saturday, March 31, 2012

Movies and Photography

So I just came back from the movies theater after watching "Wrath of the Titans" (Quick Review: Better than the 1st one.) and I got inspired to write this because I noticed something about me that I guess I always paid attention to, but never realized it until now. I love lighting. I love how a certain color, shadow, or silhouette can create a certain mood. It kind of made me realize why I love Photography so much.

So as I was watching this movie, I started thinking back to a lot of other movies that gave me inspiration. I just never realized it until now. go figure. If I list them all, This will be a VERY long post, so I'll make multiple posts and list them as I go...

These are in no particular order, BTW. These are just the first ones to come to mind. 

1. Schindler's List

A masterpiece. An absolute masterpiece in every sense of the word. As i was munching on my popcorn, this movie popped in my head and all I can think about was the amazing lighting achieved by Spielberg and the Director of Photography Janusz Kaminski. This is an absolute feast for your eyes and a subconscious inspiration to many of my Monotone portraits. If you haven't seen it, please do. And besides the story, try to see what I mean about the lighting and what it does to enhance the look and feel of the movie.  

2. The Professional

Besides being one of my favorite movies ever, I actually remember being the first movie I looked at and wondered "How did they light that?". I just saw this again a couple of weeks ago and was blown away all over again. The lighting may seem simple, but it was very effective. From the warm tones and neutral colors, this movie embodies simple and amazing there's guns and explosions which is an added extra! :-D

3.The Dark Knight

To comic book-guys, This is their "The Godfather". I agree. An absolutely amazing movie by Christopher Nolan. Yes I'm a fan since "Memento" (I will be mentioning that movie on this list later on). See this movie. The beginning of the Joker interview scene, still gives me chills...

That's enough for now. This is just a quick glimpse of the movies that, as it turns out, inspired me for my method of using the light to create my art. I hope you enjoyed this. I'll show more later. For now...Back to Photography!

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