Monday, April 18, 2011

So it continues...

Before I even start writing, I need to mention the breakdown f the previous post's picture. The lighting was very simple, but it was completely improvised. I was bored out of my mind and I decided to shoot myself since no other subject was readily available. I have no backdrops, it was 11 at night, and I was being very lazy...So, I decided to turn off all the lights in my room and turn on the LED light from my Blackberry...That's about it. Nothing fancy, but just some imagination and the effect can be pretty awesome. I'm very glad with the outcome. I rarely shoot myself...

When it comes to taking pictures the lighting makes all the difference. Some of the most amazing light can be found in the craziest places. Shadows are just as important, especially if that's an effect that you are looking for. The next shot shows a pretty good example.

After a pretty bad Winter in the Northeast, the weather finally decided to give us a break to want to explore the outside world. What better place than Central Park.

I loved the silhouette that the underpass projected. It's not a perfect shot(by any means) but I was very happy with the outcome. I wish I had the power to empty out that fountain. BTW if anyone is wondering the header is a shot of that statue in the background from a very extreme angle. A lot of fun that day.

A really cool landscape shot that I took that day is below as well. I loved the multiple layers of awesomeness that was in this moment, from the guy on that cliff, to the boat to the city still looming in the background. I loved this moment. But that's my opinion. I crave your opinion more. Let me know what you think. I won't be disappointed. Promise

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hello and welcome to BlackHill Photography!

What was my hobby is evolving into something so much more. Did I plan this to happen? Nope. Not at all. This was the last thing that I was expecting to happen. Anyway. This blog is meant to showcase some of my more favorite pictures. I'm not sure if I'm going to show exif info, but I'll make up my mind about that as this goes along.

Critiques and comments are always welcome. Seriously. One cannot grow if he does not know his mistakes. And I want to grow. Every picture I take is another chance to get better.

At the same time I am always looking for more people willing to let me shoot them. I am located in Northern NJ, but I can travel depending on the situation.

So I think every photographer does this at one point, so I figure "let me get it out of the way. So here is my self portrait.

I would like to point out that I am not that menacing by any means. I use whatever light is available to me to create a shot. This has no backdrop, and no professional lights. I was just bored and used whatever I had available. Can you take a guess what I used? I'll break down this picture on my next post.

Hope you guys enjoyed!